Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taking the Road Less Traveled

How to express a mission..... I feel completely inept.  And words are inconveniently failing me at this moment.

My mission is very special to me. Mostly because I wanted it to mean everything. Imagine yourself being given the chance to go out and give all you can to serve the Savior by striving to "feed His sheep" and invite others to come unto Him in a special and unique way for a set amount of time. And while you do this, seek to love others as the Savior loved everyone no matter how they treated you. If this was your opportunity, first of all, would you take it? And if so what would you want to give or make out of the experience??
       I think many desire to give everything. All that they have, and the very best "them."  I assure you dear readers those were the feelings I had in my heart as I started my mission. Along with feelings of being completely overwhelmed and an uncertanty of if I could really do it or not.
   I remember that when I went into the Missionary Training Center I thought I would automatically "feel" like a missionary. But I didn't. And it bothered me.

    But over the course of my mission I have learned that life is about becoming. We never change or become something greater and more Christlike in an instant. But to become more than we are and hope to be is a journey that extends an invitation to all, but is found less traveled.
   I think in part it is because we cannot make it without a guide. The creator of the path Himself, Jesus Christ. We cannot hope to walk in His footsteps without Him showing us the way.
   We often want to do things "our way" instead of His way.  We must be willing to let Him walk with us and trust Him at everyturn.
    It is in persuit of becoming more like the Savior that He draws out the best in us and the best that we have to offer... if we will let Him.

I guess I can try to relate my mission to a difficult hike. And as I start this hike I have this huge backpack that is filled with all my selfish likes and interests, bad habbits, you name it. And even with this huge obnoxious back pack (or "natural man") the Savior invites me to come and walk with Him in steps that He has walked. He continually reassures me that it will bring me experiences and joy that I can experience in no other way and that this is an important part of my journey in life, and He knows because He has experienced everything that I could ever go through and knows me perfectly.
  So off we go and it is hard and as I struggle He points out something in my backpack that if I set it aside it will make the journey not only more enjoyable, but easier.  He shows confidence in me that I can do it if I step where He steps and do what He does.
     There were times where I didn't think I could do it, and that I am not cut out for this journey. But the Savior will just encourage and comfort me and show me what else I can do without to lighten my load so I can become the hiker I need to make it through this hike and so step by step challenge by challenge I learn to trust to hand more of my challenges and weaknesses and shortcomings over to Him.

   Now please do not mistake me that I am expressing that I have come to some great arrival. Quite the opposite. As the Savior has lead me through a mission. I feel so much joy and my soul has never felt so light than it has in the service of the Master. I have gained a friend. I have learned I can love to learn and grow by doing hard things, and as I look ahead to the greater mountains and valleys that lay before me, I am not afraid because I know in whom I can trust and who will walk with me. 
      I am so thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it fills my soul to overflowing. I know it is true and real. I know that through the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can always have hope to become and change for the better through sincere repentance. I invite you all to turn to Him in prayer and to be willing to walk (or hike) the individual paths that He leads each of us. It will require changes and sacrifices but I know that each one is calculated for our good. I know He knows us personally and knows how to make beauty from ashes and build us to all that we can be. He is there with outstreched hands always inviting us to take the road less traveled.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pink Hats and Scary Trucks

  It is often said opportunities are missed because they come dressed in overalls and look like work.  But in relation to missionary work I'd like to say, opportunities are often missed because they come dressed in pink hats and have scary trucks.

Let me explain...

  The other evening my companion and I had an interesting experience. We had spent the whole day trying to look for new people to teach and nearly all of our original plans had fallen through.
   We had stopped at the gas station on our way home to fill the car up with gas.
  As we were doing so, and as a result of being somewhat flustered with the days events, I determined that I was going to walk up and talk to somebody.
   I started to look around for an opportunity, but as people came out out from the station to their cars they were either on the phone, in conversation with some, or looked anything but approachable and I just missed it.
  So more frustrate with myself, I looked around and noticed this big, rather scary looking black truck complete with flood lights on top, high wheels and skull and flame decals on the sides.
  I imagined it belonging to a somewhat rough looking biker type guy, or the villain form that cute Halloween movie "Little Vampires" (do you remember that?)  and wasn't so sure I should worry myself with speaking to the owner of that truck.
 But then again, this is what felt like my last chance to try and share the gospel with someone as we were getting ready to go.
  I'll admit I was a little nervous and was about to forget the idea when a tall lean man with a pink baseball cap, Levi's, and sweatshirt came strolling out to this monster vehicle. (Not what I had imagined the owner to look like at all.)
   I walked up and introduced myself as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The man greeted me with a friendly smile and we had a great conversation.  He shared what his belief in Christ meant to him and accepted a Book of Mormon as we explained more about it and how it could help him know that God had called a prophet in our day.  We even prayed with him outside his truck before we left.
  I felt great as we walked back to the car and went on our way.
  It is amazing the people you find in all shapes and sizes that are willing to talk about the Savior. I just love it!
  As we were driving home I thought of a quote from a favorite church speaker;

        "You can never judge anyone... once you realize this you will be freed."  - Elder Busche

And also the famous, "You can never judge a book by its cover."

The Savior taught;

1 aJudge not, that ye be not bjudged.
2 For with what ajudgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what bmeasure ye mete, it shall be cmeasured to you again. (Matthew 7:1-2)
I know that God loves and knows each one of us individually. I felt it as we were talking with that man at the gas station.  I know He knew me and my desire to talk to someone while also teaching me an important lesson.  The Savior knows where each of us are in life, each of our quirks, struggles, trials, and short comings. And to all He calls;
28 aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart: and ye shall find frest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is aeasy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
I know that God is know respecter of persons. In every shape, size, truck, and baseball cap He invites us to come unto Him to feel whole and find rest. This new perspective has helped me to not judge others.
Will you seek to reach out to someone you normally wouldn't this week?

I know that as you do you will feel the peace and rest that comes from doing what the Savior would do. And also that you will be given better vision to see people as they really are;
 sons and daughters of God.

You just never know what might happen :)

What are some experiences where you might have judged "a book by its cover" and were pleasantly surprised??


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


General Conference has had a great impact on my lfe and has been a source of strength or myself and those I love. I invite you to come and Lsten to a prophet's voice today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

   Last month my comanion and I were invited to speak at a chruch youth conference entitled, Especially For Youth. we were asked to help teach the youth how they can have more experiences sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends and those they meet.
  We had a wonderful experience and loved having the opportunity to hear these teens share amazing stories and experiences where they had been able to defend, stand up and invite others to learn more about what they believe.
  As I heard their stories I was reminded of a scripture in the Book of Mormon, in 3rd Nephi 12:16;

 16 Therefore let your alight so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and bglorify your Father who is in heaven.

I know that this is God's work. And that we are His children and he wants us to be a light and example to others. Sharing the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ has brought me the greatest joy I have ever known. I know that when we let our hands become His hands we experience greater joy as we seek to lift and build others.

We met so many counselors that had their paper work in to go and serve missions or were getting ready to go and we even met a girl who had been home for 7 months from her mission. They had so much light and were so excited and ready to serve and be "Sister Missionaries!"

I am so amazed and so thankful that God calls on us at this time in our lives, for the courage and example that all these women have to go out and serve the Lord and live the joy of the gospel for themselves as they lift and testify to others of the divinity and reality of Jesus Christ.

I am just so amazed at the faith of the rising generation, their faith just gets stronger and stronger. So many young girls came up after the activity and took pictures with us and expressed so much desire to serve and share the gospel with their friend.
I was like, "wow, I definitely don't remember having so much courgae and determination at their age. It was just so cool to see.

Awhile back I recieved a message on facebook from an amazing young woman in our ward. (I want to grow up to be just like her).
Sister Bishop,

I know you probably won't remember this, but it has been on my mind for months. Back in February, we had New Beginnings and when I was at your station you asked me what my favorite YW value was. I told you it was Faith but couldn't explain why. Ever since that time it has bothered me. I've been trying to figure out within myself why faith really is so important. I guess it's one of those things I've been taught my whole life, but never took the time to find out on my own. So, after months of prayer and pondering here is my delayed answer to your question. Faith is my favorite because it is the foundation for everything else in the gospel. It is faith in Jesus Christ that influences my actions every day of my life. Without it, I would be lost. I've been reading the book, Jesus the Christ, and as I learn of His example, it is Faith that He is the Son of God that allows me to turn to those teachings for guidance. I have Faith that keeping the commandments will bring forth blessings, even though I often can't see the results of my actions immediately. One of my favorite hymns is "I Believe in Christ" and this line is one of my favorites: "I Believe in Christ, So come what may. With Him I'll stand in that great day." As I face the trials of life, it is Faith that we can one day return to our home in Heaven that encourages me to try to stay strong. I know that my Savior lives with all my heart and that if I put my trust in Him, He will lead. Faith is what has led me to know this, and what has given me the desire to go on a mission and share the message of the gospel with others. I know that was kind of long, but I just had to share this with you so I could finally get it off my mind. I guess I'm in some ways Im a perfectionist (although I'm far from being perfect) so this would bother me for a long time if I never answered your question... :)

It is people like my friend here that I know God's work will continue to grow, and more and more people will be come to know the love of the Savior because of their faith and desire to serve the Lord.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Errands of Angels: Erasers and Repentance

loved this thought with the start of the coming school year. Repentance is such a happy thing. It makes me think that through daily repentance we can get an A+ in our journey of life this year :). So keep your pencils sharp (through daily prayer) and erasers ready! (with daily repentance).

The Errands of Angels: Erasers and Repentance:   With school starting I really like this thought about repentance. At the beginning of each school year each student is given an eraser to ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Feasting Upon the Words of Christ..."

  Lately I have been thinking so much about the power that comes to us from the scriptures.  So many times, day after day I see how the Book of Mormon changes people. They become happier, more at peace, gentle, and most importantly, I get to see their love for the Savior increase.

In the Book of Mormon there is a scripture that reads:

  7 And behold, ye do know of yourselves,
 for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them
as are brought to the knowledge of the truth, and to know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers, and are led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance which faith and repentance bringeth a achange of heart unto them—

  8 Therefore, as many as have come to this,
 ye know of yourselves are afirm and steadfast
 in the faith, and in the thing wherewith they
 have been made free.

I know that through the power of God's word we are truly made free. We can be delivered from temptation and sin, and be able to direct well our course here in mortality. They will change us to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ, and we can truly feel the joy and strength from the gospel in our everyday lives.


The study of the scriputes has been a quiet peace that has been a needed anchor to my soul. They have strengthened and lifted my family.  I know each of you can experience the same.

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a asteadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of bhope, and a clove of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and dendure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eeternal life."- (2Nephi 31: 20)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Come unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him..."

Over the course of my mission so far, I have realized there is such a special feeling being at a baptism and witnessing their determination to follow Christ.
 I have often reflected on what it is that makes these events so special.

  This past weekend we were able to see two Burmese children make that special promise with their Heavenly Father. I thought to a previous night when we had taught them about following Jesus Christ  and asked each of them why they wanted to be baptized. The boy answered, "So I can receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost." And the girl answered, "So I can return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ one day."

  And here they were, dressed in white and ready to be baptized!

 Over the past month and a half we had taught them how to pray, and this past week they would take our nametags and teach us all about how God calls prophets. They had learned so much and LOVED IT in a way that I admired. With whatever they learned they would practice and review all week. They would even have their dad pretend to be the student and they would pretend to be missionaries and teach him.

As they each got ready to enter the water I was reminded of a scripture;

"And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in my name, or ye can in nowise receive these things.
 And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

I know that there is so much power in the promises we make with our Heavenly Father. I know that He always keeps His promises. As we enter in and strive our whole lives to keep our promise, or covenant to Him, I know the blessings of God can be each of ours, and our eternal hopes will be realized.
   In The Book of Mormon, Jesus teaches the people and us the importance of these things, He says;

  " And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.
   Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day." (3 Nephi 27:19-20)
I love this scripture because it encompasses the hope of these two children that my companion and I have grown to love. It is my hope I can be more like them, filled with the bright hope and faith of Christ and a determination to follow Him.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Choose the Right

Lets face it. We live in a world of increasing complexity. How thankful I am for clarity and direction that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings into my life.

It is meant to be Black and White.

Wrong and Right

When everything seems grey and unclear
and before you turn to fear

Ask yourself: 

When you are faced with a choice or want to know whether something is good or evil, you can ask yourself, “Does it invite me to do good? Will it strengthen my faith in Christ?”

Indeed we can with confidence,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Testimony of a Prophet

  Recently my companion and I have had the opportunity to teach several Burmese children about Jesus Christ and His Gospel at their parents' invitation and request.

   We have really enjoyed our time with them. This past week we talked about the role of Prophets in leading us to Jesus Christ. 

It was such a joy to share with them that God continues to call prophets today starting with Joseph Smith. 

 In my life I have gained a personal conviction that God and Jesus Christ really did appear to Joseph at the tender age of 14 in answer to a humble prayer of which Church was Christ's church.
   I know that Christ answered Him that he should join none but was to be an instrument in Christ's restoration of His Primitive church that He had established anciently.

   This knowledge of prophets today strengthens my faith of God and Jesus Christ's love for us. That God is the same yesterday, today and forever and will never leave us without clear guidance and direction.
 I am so thankful for the Prophet Joseph Smith, for bringing forth the Book of Mormon through the gift and power of God, and his role in restoring Christ's church to the earth once more.

In one of my favorite hymns called "Praise to the Man" the lyrics of the first verse are;

"Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah!
Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.
 Blessed to open the last dispensation,
Kings shall extol him and nations revere."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Can People Change?

So the other day my companion and I found ourselves in the apartment of a member of the church that had been struggling and had not been to church in a long time. Of course we were there to find out why and to see if there was anything we could do.
   As we spoke with him and asked questions we discovered the things weighing on his soul were grave indeed.
  He was discouraged as he felt in his 5 years of being a member that people cannot really change. That they will always revert back to their original nature. Sure it may be possible for a short while, but as philosophy often advocates we are what we are and we cannot TRULY change,
 (what a condemning thought, or at least severely depressing).
   We didn't know what to say, but we set up a time to meet with him at a later day expressing that we had faith in him and wanted to discuss further even though he expressed that he did not desire to waste our time.
   As my companion and I discussed this morning, we knew that change was possible, lasting change, we had seen it in our own lives. But how to convey that to a friend with little hope and struggling faith we were not sure.
   As we studied and prayed we came the the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

  President David O. McKay summarized power and purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this simple phrase:

"The purpose of the gospel is...to make bad men good and good men better, and to change human nature."

I have learned on my mission more than ever that the Atonement is how we apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ and obtain the change spoken of by President David O. McKay.

   The purpose and point to life is to CHANGE. My companion, Sister V. said it perfectly, "If people cannot change then there would have never been an Atonement."

 Our friend did have one thing right. We have limited capacities in our own abilities to change and "to put off the natural man." It does not make sense that a person could seek to become more divine in their predisposed nature without divine help.

   I want to share with you that I know that is why Jesus Christ sent His Son as Sister V. previously mentioned.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"(John 3:16)

In the Book of Mormon, King Benjamin explains:

"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father" (Mosiah 3:19)

I know that the reason we are here is to learn grow, become and to change our vary natures to be more like Jesus Christ that we may one day abide His glory and live with God forever. How thankful am for the hope and peace this knowledge gives to me. I know that is our message of hope to the world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thank Heaven for Moms

AKK! So I just realized I never published this "Tribute to Mothers" post on Mother's Day weekend. Super tacky, for which I apologize. But I know many people are thankful for their mothers year round, and women love being appreciated spontaneously, so I figure and hope that this will be read and that mothers will feel special and others can be edified.

My companion and I had a unique opportunity the other day.

 We went to go visit this mother and daughter who we had not been able to get a hold of in a few months. Every time we did go things seemed to be quite perfect, the house in good order and were doing well leaning on each other. We loved to be around them and their good spirit and were excited for an opportunity to visit again.

Upon our arrival, we came upon a very different scene. The house was in slight disarray and the mother and daughter were somewhat in distress. We asked how they had been and if they were okay.

The mother opened up to us and asked us sincerely how we had gained such a good relationship with our mothers, how our mothers earned our respect and so on. We were so touched and for two different reasons. First, that they would open up to us so sincerely with something so personal but also something so special and important. And second that we could both say that our mothers were among our closest friends who we respect and love.

We had also been in similar situations where that relationship had its struggles and so we were able to help.

We both expressed that before our mom was our friend she was our mom. In small ways we were able to summarize what our mothers meant to us and briefly share experiences how our mothers greatly influenced where we are today.

I love  what Elder Ballard stated in the April 2010 General Conference:

"A mother-daughter relationship is where a daughter learns how to nurture by being nurtured. She is loved. She is taught and experiences firsthand what it feels like to have someone care about her enough to correct her while continuing to encourage and believe in her at the same time."
I am so THANKFUL for moms!!

My mom is my best friend and  I'd love to show you a picture, but  alas, she is allusive to the camera.  She has been my best friend, and though she has braved and endured many trials, whenever there was a sincere need, she was always there. And a big thing i never realized or appreciated till we were seeking to help this wonderful mother is what a huge sacrifice it was to her to have to follow through and play the bad guy. Looking back it was definitely harder on her than on me and I am so grateful for that and the many other sacrifices she made to help me learn, grow, and succeed.

We ended that meeting talking about the gospel and eternal families. We testified how the Restored Gospel of  Jesus Christ reveals to us truths concerning the eternal nature of the family. We assured them that for the labor of love we share now, we can enjoy the blessings of those relationships for eternity.
  I know that no good effort of my mother was ever wasted, for which I am so grateful.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To Thirst No More

It is warming up here in the South States. Our Mission President's Wife is telling all of us to be sure to be hydrated for the oncoming summer.
   My companion and I purchased our water bottles today, we had been running around all afternoon  and by the time we got home is was SOO THIRSTY!

  In the Holy Bible as well as the Book of Mormon it talks alot about thirst.

In Amos 8:11-12  it talks about a famine;

11 ¶Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a afamine of bread, nor a bthirst for water, but of hearing the cwords of the Lord:
12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall arun to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.

God foretold of a time where the human soul would thirst and hunger from the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek for the well of water that springs up into everlasting life, that nourishes and fills what nothing else can satisfy.
John  4:14
14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

And yet still today there is famine and thirst of the soul.

God also made a promise those lost in famine and honest seekers of truth.
Isaiah 41:17
17 When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them

I know that promise is real. Just as I can run into my apartment and fill my water bottle to overflowing; I am able to partake of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

How grateful I am that God knows the needs of the souls of whom He created. That after Christ left the earth and the Apostles with Him, in 1820 God had heard the cried of the righteous of His Protestant children and restored  His Gospel.

One of my biggest challenges is helping those wonderful friends of other faiths see that what they had historically fought for and seek today has been brought back.
  Our invitation to the world, or the ladel of eternal water we offer to our thirsting brothers and sisters is the Book of Mormon. Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

  I invite the world to sample for themselves and taste and see if it fills the soul to overflowing.

A Book of Mormon Porphet states in Alma 32:42;
42 And because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst.
I hope you all have a great week and stay HYDRATED! physically and spiritually

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are Mormons Christian?

So I had a great friend message me on Facebook that was bothered by all of the negative posts and comments she was seeing about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, also known as "Mormons."
This is about the 3rd time lately that I have heard a comment from someone on facebook that is blatantly anti Mormon, to the point of saying they worship a false god. I have never heard this. I know many Mormons and they serve the same God we do, just in a different way. Please tell me what this animosity is against them. I'm absolutely not trying to start an argument. I'm truly curious to hear the answer and learn what others believe.

She then shared the explanations and responses of here say that has been known to circulate the web.

And to those of you who may be sincerely wondering I thought I would lend my response.

 "Are Mormons Christians?"

   I would like explain there is only one way to really know.
  Go to the Source. It is a great way to ensure you get credible information.

And a more direct source than that would be to Pray and ask. i think too often we as Christians forget that on our journey of faith we are to ask questions in prayer. In Matthew 21;21-22

 21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have afaith, and bdoubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this cmountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
 22 And all athings, whatsoever ye shall bask in cprayer, believing, ye shall receive.

That is a promise from God. If we ask, He will answer. If we truly have faith in Christ, we need not be afraid to ask God "are Mormons Christians" "is what they teach true?" Has Christ really restored His church on the earth today the same as he has anciently?" "Is the Book of Mormon True?" "Is Joseph Smith thy Prophet?"

I know God will answer these questions. He has done so for me and millions of others. If we are sincere seekers of truth, shall we not rely on the source of all truth?

In James chapter one verses five and six it reads;

 aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
 But let him aask in bfaith, nothing cwavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

The pattern of prayer and asking in faith has been a pattern in my life that has only brought greater joy and happiness on multiple questions I have faced in life. This scripture promotes faith and not fear. And as Christians we know it is by faith that we are lead.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family History!

A while back on Facebook I asked some friends about their experiences with family history and why they like to do it, or would be interested in it and I wanted to share some responses:

" It is fantastic to know where you come from! I feel like everyone wonders
what their heritage is at least once in their life, and knowing can help you
understand so much about yourself! Why you look the way you do, think the way
you do, act the way you do...it's all because of your background. And knowing
what my ancestors did makes me strive a little harder to be just a little bit
better every day."

" The stories inspire me to research more and more because I want to be a part of that person's life and belong to something bigger than just the here and now"

I loved these responses! Even though there are so many with struggling families,
nothing can replace it! There is nothing that replaces those feelings of
belonging, importance, and identity that we inherit from our families and ancestors. I feel that it is in this love and belonging of
family, even and especially from ones past, that we find courage for our own futures.

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has taught that the Spirit of Elijah is “a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the divine nature of the family” (“A New Harvest Time,” Ensign, May 1998, 34). This distinctive influence of the Holy Ghost draws people to identify, document, and cherish their ancestors and family members—both past and present.

Learn more about WHY the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints do
Family History Work

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Trust in the Lord... How do you get there?

"Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks;

"Waiting patiently on the Lord....For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith."-

This scripture has been on my mind lately, probably for the fact that I struggle to grasp the concept in my life.

There is so much to do. So many important things to accomplish, and so many imperfections and mistakes that get in the way of accomplishing them.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

All I can share is the results from my own experiences;

You feel like you are running in sand!

(A whole lot of exhaustion for a little amount of distance)

I'm hoping there is a cure.

So if you find yourself feeling like I do, or have found yourself in such a situation, what is your experience? what do these things mean to you???